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Ushakova V. R. Family Value in Young People with Different Reproductive Behaviors. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 3, pp. 322-328. DOI:
Family Value in Young People with Different Reproductive Behaviors
The article is devoted to the consideration of the system of values in individuals with different models of reproductive behavior. Studies of domestic and foreign authors on this issue are carried out to a greater extent in the framework of sociological research. Preferences and interests making up a social portrait of the representatives of the “childfree” and the degree of tolerance of youth to this movement are identified. In psychological research, a hierarchy of values and personal characteristics of childfree representatives are determined. The author focuses on the consideration of the psychological causes of abandonment of childbearing from the standpoint of the characteristics of the relationship with parents and the emotional response to family events in childhood. The author reveals the place of family and parenthood in the system of life values of youth with a positive attitude towards parenthood and youth voluntarily abandoning childbearing. The study involved 120 people aged 28–33 years. Research methods included conversation and questionnaire. On the basis of the data obtained, it was confirmed that the family is less important in the value system for representatives of the childfree and negative childhood memories prevail, unlike people with a positive attitude to parenthood. Childfree representatives are more focused on extra-family relationships than on intra-family ones.
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