Cite this article as:
Losev V. S. Formation of Ecological Consciousness: Search of the Valuable Bases. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2010, vol. 10, iss. 2, pp. 25-28. DOI:
Formation of Ecological Consciousness: Search of the Valuable Bases
Ecological consciousness – the complete and rather new phenomenon of public consciousness which are as reflexion of intensity and a sharpness of an ecological situation, and certain expression, some kind of the indicator of serious changes of spiritual and material culture. The basic causal and internal characteristic of the given kind of consciousness is crisis situations developed in the modern world. It is the major condition of development of consciousness of the person in an ecological direction.
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- Чумаков А.Н. Метафизика глобализации (Культурноцивилизационный контекст) / А.Н. Чумаков. М., 2006. С.54.
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