Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия: Философия. Психология. Педагогика. Том 10 № 2
The Culture of Military Safety: Returning to the Past (Social and Philosophical Aspects)
стр. 8
The Relation of E. Cassirer's Theory of Myth to the «Phenomenology of Spirit» by Hegel
стр. 13
Conceptual Grounds of the Human Destructive Activity in Tradition of the Social-Psychological Approach: Social-Philosophical Analysis
стр. 33
Psychological Features of the Students Studying at Pedagogical Specialties with the Dominance of Negative Emotions in an Examination Situation
стр. 79
Features of Professional Intentions of Students-Psychologists at Early Stages Professionalization
стр. 87
The Genezis of Ethnic Identification of Population Middle Volga in the 1990 – 2000 Years
стр. 91
The Research of Influence of Multimedia Teaching Technologies at the Effectiveness of the Didactic Process
стр. 98