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Panchuk Y. Y. Gender Peculiarities of the Professional Inclinations. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 79-84. DOI:

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Gender Peculiarities of the Professional Inclinations

The article considers the problem of professional orientation of the youth in terms of gender. The author analyzes theoretical preconditions of the features of the professional aptitude of the young boys and girls, considers the results of existing practical researches in the field of gender differences in professional orientation. The article presents the results of empirical studies showing that there is a statistically significant differences in the level of the manifestation of the propensities to work with people and to the practical activities of boys and girls. In conclusion the author makes a conclusion that gender features a large impact on the choice of profession and stresses the importance of the sociocultural assessment and interpretation of existing differences.

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