Cite this article as:

Седов К. Ф. Genre Identity in Language and Socialization of a Person. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 4, pp. 85-?.

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Genre Identity in Language and Socialization of a Person

This article is concerned with the problem of discourse thinking dependence on belonging of a person to social groups. The author of the article introduces the term genre identity in language i.e. identification of a friend/stranger according to criteria of competent/not competent language behavior in typical situation of social interacting, which are accustomed in different social communities. Some ethno psycholinguistic appropriacies of a person language consciousness functioning are shown on the analysis basis of language genre «small talk» lingvocognitive features.



Sedov Konstantin Fyodorovich 

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