Social Identity and Commitment to One’s Country: Conceptual and Empirical Basic for Analysis of Correlation Between Constructs

The research into commitment of a person to large stable groups and territorial communities is becoming extremely topical due to greater mobility and migration processes in the modern world. The correlation of constructs of commitment to one’s country and social identity has not been studied yet, which determined the goal of the given research.

Temporal Modi of Social Identity

The article is devoted to the analysis of temporal characteristics
of social identity. It is emphasized that the recognition of time of
personal existence by an individual is the most important condition
of understanding of the identity and the means of its structuring.
The person’s choice of a certain temporal vector is determined by
sociocultural factors. It shows the system of values and the type of
behavior in society and after all the specificity of a certain cultural model.

Genre Identity in Language and Socialization of a Person

This article is concerned with the problem of discourse thinking dependence on belonging of a person to social groups. The author of the article introduces the term genre identity in language i.e. identification of a friend/stranger according to criteria of competent/not competent language behavior in typical situation of social interacting, which are accustomed in different social communities. Some ethno psycholinguistic appropriacies of a person language consciousness functioning are shown on the analysis basis of language genre «small talk» lingvocognitive features.