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Ryaguzova E. V. Homo Digitalis: Request for a new personality configuration. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 3, pp. 320-325. DOI:
Homo Digitalis: Request for a new personality configuration
The article presents the results of scientific reflection, the object of which is Homo Digitalis as a representative of the modern digital society. The aim of the article is to study the emerging configuration of the individuality of Homo Digitalis as a response to the demand of the digital world. Based on the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of individuality in the context of different directions and approaches, the definition of individuality is formulated as a complex hierarchically organized system of interconnections of different levels in the sovereign, original and reflected subjective world of a person, based on a constructed picture of the world, value-appropriated and meaningful mastered form of being. The article shows the transformations of individuality representations caused by the development of information and communication technologies, a change in the ontological status of digital devices and a person’s dependence on them, the frequency and density of personal interactions with various Others in the digital environment and the discrepancy between the real and digital personality, digital and personal identity, as well as specific features digital subjectivity. It is established that the newly formed personality configuration of Homo Digitalis acts as a response of Homo Vitrualis to the request of a rapidly developing digital society. The applied aspect of the problem under study is the possibility of using the results of the conducted scientific reflection in the educational process, as well as in consulting practice.
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