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Korolkova S. A. Integration Approach to Translators and Interpreters Teaching in European Higher School. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4, pp. 92-96. DOI:
Integration Approach to Translators and Interpreters Teaching in European Higher School
The author correlates the models of translators and interpreters teaching in France and Belgium which are characterized by a deep integration of disciplines of professional block and general and theoretical block, which provides systematic and integral knowledge of theoretical and professional disciplines, developed professional skills and abilities, and as a result the future translators and interpreters readiness for a quick professional integration. The author points out the understanding of both a mother tongue and a foreign language as a work instrument, which let achieve conventionality in text formation in translation. Another important aspect in translators and interpreters teaching is the necessity to form skills to try to understand any professional sphere and adapt to various types of translation.
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