
Specifics of student youth’s social perception about readiness, competence and self-efficacy

Introduction. Global transformations require an individual to be ready for change, the ability to make decisions in a situation of uncertainty. Theoretical analysis. A comparative analysis allows us to conclude that, depending on the context, readiness is understood differently. Psychological readiness is associated with the presence of knowledge, skills, and is considered as a certain level of activity of the individual, a special emotional-volitional state, the ability to mobilize before the start of activity.

Integration Approach to Translators and Interpreters Teaching in European Higher School

The author correlates the models of translators and interpreters teaching in France and Belgium which are characterized by a deep integration of disciplines of professional block and general and theoretical block, which provides systematic and integral knowledge of theoretical and professional disciplines, developed professional skills and abilities, and as a result the future translators and interpreters readiness for a quick professional integration.

On the Issue of Professional Standards in the Field of Tourism

The problem of the correspondence of professional and educational standards today is extremely urgent. The need of developing the new professional standards is caused by the adoption of the renovated educational standards, which must reflect the requirements of educational establishments, control elements of formation and employers.

Intercultural Communicative Students Competence in Conditions of Professional Education Modernization

The article highlights the problem of forming students intercultural communicative competence in higher educational establishments. This problem is revealed according to modernization of higher professional education. The main essence of such concepts as expertise, competence and intercultural communicative competence is considered. The formation of the process of students competence within the Saratov State Agrarian University is described.

Formation of linguistic Competence as a Mechanism for Socialization of the Personality of Graduates, Masters and PhD Students in the Educational Space of the Agricultural University

The article is devoted to the process of socialization of a student’s
personality and the role of the higher educational establishment in
this process. The content of high school socialization is a teaching
process aimed at the formation of skills, structured in State
Educational Standard of Higher Education; of social and cultural
environment necessary for the personality socialization; development
of personal qualities of the future specialist, competitiveness
and demand of which depends on the level of knowledge received