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Гримовская Л. М. Intercultural Competence of Teachers as a Condition of Preparation to Professional Work in a Multicultural Environment. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 3, pp. 339-?. DOI:
Intercultural Competence of Teachers as a Condition of Preparation to Professional Work in a Multicultural Environment
Multicultural context of contemporary reality determines new tasks of preparation of students to educational activity. The intercultural competence of graduates is necessary. It lets them solve actual educational problems in the multicultural environment efficiently. The article reveals the component compound of the concept «the intercultural competence of teachers» and such its components as: cognitive (the knowledge of the cultural diversity as a source of individuel and social development and the modes of activity that ensure the use of this knowledge in the educational process); personal (professionally significant personal qualities and motives of activity); axiological (a system of professional and universal values, the development of which is achieved by creating conditions to aware the values of each culture, the equivalence of all ethnic and social groups); actionable (the professional skills necessary for self-realization in the multicultural education). This article discusses the specific ways of the formation and development of intercultural competence of future teachers. Particular attention is paid to phased diagnosis of the level of individual’s intercultural competence, to determination of the content of educational material, the creation of the bank of new educational technologies, the organization of educational process on the basis of the account of student’s subject position. The emphasis is placed on the fact that intercultural competence is an important condition of the teacher’s preparation to solve qualitatively the professional tasks in a modern multicultural environment.
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