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Bezrogov V. G., Pichugina V. K. Learning as Conversion in Classic and Christian Traditions. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 4, pp. 448-452. DOI:

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Learning as Conversion in Classic and Christian Traditions

The article considers the option of training as an appeal to a new system of views, leading to a change in worldview and self-understanding. The idea of such a pedagogical transformation arises in antiquity, and then in its own way is rethought in Christianity, on the basis of which medieval ideas about pedagogy are formed. The development of the idea of education as a transformation, a qualitative change in the personality of the student is traced in the transition from the metaphor of “re-volution” to the concept of “conversion”. Perfect even in ancient thought, this transition entered the early Christian picture of the world as a fundamental thesis. The pedagogical process as education becomes connected first of all not with the metaphor of the imprint, the imprint of the teacher in the student, but with the metaphor of the revolution, the response to the words of God the Teacher, transmitted through the earthly teacher. This transition of meaning is traced while considering the texts of the Old and New Testament, the writings of Epictetus, Cebes, Arnobius, Gregory of Nyssa, Niketas Stethatos, Francis of Assisi, Tommaso da Celanо, Anthony of Padua.


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