Cite this article as:
Eliseeva M. A. Media Space: Socio-Philosophical Analysis. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 1, pp. 4-7. DOI:
Media Space: Socio-Philosophical Analysis
The purpose of this article is to analyze various approaches to studying the problems of media space in modern society, as well as the definition of clear common characteristics attributed to media space in various theories of media in social philosophy. In the search for a universal definition of the phenomenon of media space, the author considers the socio-philosophical category of media space, understood as a special kind of reality, which includes the basic components of the socialization of modern man in the framework of not only social institutions, but also culture as a whole. The relevance of the chosen topic is reinforced by the widespread involvement of modern people in the media processes of society, which today essentially determines the successful socialization and information mobility of each of us. On the basis of the research done, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that in the everyday reality of modern man, the media space plays a leading role, simultaneously fixing social data and coding it, through the people’s consciousness, to some extent subordinating the objective world to itself. Thus, the inclusion of subjects in the media space is no less significant than the connection with its own cultural tradition.
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