
Will the zombie box eat your brains for breakfast?

Introduction. The review is devoted to the publication of the book “Cyberhumanism. How communication technologies transform our society” by Nizhny Novgorod researcher A. N. Fortunatov – the Doctor of Philosophy, specialist in the field of communication studies, media philosophy and the history of television. Theoretical analysis. In the book by A. N. Fortunatov, methodological principles of communicative theory, media philosophy and humanism as a philosophical trend were combined.

Utopia, war, post-apocalypse: The image of the USSR in foreign and Russian video games

Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the representation of the image of the USSR in foreign and domestic video games. The main purpose of the study is to examine the specifics of the impact of video games on the historical memory of the Soviet past. Theoretical analysis. The study was based on the hypothesis that video games in the conditions of mediatization and digitalization of public consciousness turn into one of the significant factors in the formation of historical memory.

M. McLuhan: Between medium and mediatization

Introduction. The article is devoted to the key ideas of the media theorist M. McLuhan. The Canadian culturologist and philologist conceptualized the advent of the era of a new, “electronic”, person and new electronic media. Theoretical analysis. M. McLuhan’s works, in a certain sense, shaped the direction and style of studying media in a social context, “The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man” (1951), “The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man” (1962), “Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man” (1964).

Student Youth’s Social Perceptions of Blogger Personality

This article presents the initial results of the empirical study into characteristics of the student youth’s social perceptions of a blogger personality. Taking into account the growing popularity and young people’s enthusiasm about blogosphere, it can be said that the social representation (image) of the blogger as a multilevel socio-psychological media phenomenon is one of the most significant in the field of forming an individual holistic view of media. The study involved 1,020 students (age range = 17–23) of Chernyshevsky Saratov National Research State University.

Media Space: Socio-Philosophical Analysis

The purpose of this article is to analyze various approaches to studying the problems of media space in modern society, as well as the definition of clear common characteristics attributed to media space in various theories of media in social philosophy. In the search for a universal definition of the phenomenon of media space, the author considers the socio-philosophical category of media space, understood as a special kind of reality, which includes the basic components of the socialization of modern man in the framework of not only social institutions, but also culture as a whole.

The Media in the Network Society: Outlines of a New Ruling Elite

The article is devoted to the development of media technologies and their media and their role in the creation, the functioning of modern society and the implementation of process management. The processes of communication, have taken on social significance, along with the information, allow to speak about modern society not as information, but as a network, meaning that this concept is wider.