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Kotlovanova O. V. Methodological Basis of Forming the Ideas of Safe Behavior in Emergency Situations of a Terrorist Nature in Preschool Children. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 2, pp. 200-204. DOI:
Methodological Basis of Forming the Ideas of Safe Behavior in Emergency Situations of a Terrorist Nature in Preschool Children
The article is devoted to the consideration of key methodological approaches to the formation of ideas of safe behavior in emergency situations of a terrorist nature in preschool children. The article reveals the specifics of methodological approaches: personalityoriented, situational-activity and noxological. The author analyzes the effectiveness of each approach at three levels of pedagogical research: general scientific, concrete scientific and methodological and technological. As a result of the scientific research, it was revealed that the personality-oriented approach allows us to consider the child with his individual qualities as an active person, having will and purpose, and able to act independently in accordance with knowledge, skills, ideas and moral-volitional qualities that allow him to make decisions and act adequately in emergency situations of a terrorist nature. The situational-activity approach provides a vision of the child as a person who is able to assess the dangers and his abilities, and make the choice of safe actions flexibly according to the situation choosing a responsible behavior strategy. The noxological approach makes it possible to take into account current changes in the dangers of the surrounding world and shows the ways to strengthen security: knowledge, skills in identifying terrorist dangers and reducing damage risks. The approach provides the formation of the child’s worldview forming a person with a philosophy that has priority on security issues and the acquisition of knowledge and skills to ensure the safety of his own life and the life of others. The author concludes that these three approaches combined give fundamental opportunities to form effectively the ideas of safe behavior in senior preschool children at terrorist threats and actions.
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