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Fortunatov A. N. Neurohistoricism as an imitative reality: Special features of the formation of visual images of Russian cities using neural networks. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 293-297. DOI:
Neurohistoricism as an imitative reality: Special features of the formation of visual images of Russian cities using neural networks
Introduction. In the media reality, there is no reflection of the subject about the causes of the emergence of media objects. The media offer a fait accompli. In response, a person uses a unique property of his consciousness - the ability to build a consistent picture of the world from disparate elements, overcoming the discreteness of technologies. Theoretical analysis. Neural networks are trying to turn a person into a passive consumer of an already assembled picture of the world. However, artificial intelligence is entirely dependent on the text as a material product devoid of subjectivity, which manifests not only the “death of the author”, but also the destruction of meanings. History in the interpretation of neural networks appears in the form of funny comics. As a result, mystical worlds arise that have nothing to do with the real events of the past. This is neurohistoricism. Empirical analysis. In presentations of Russian cities in the form of portraits of people, neural networks destroy classical history as a space of reflection. The impersonality and vulgarity of presentations can be interpreted not only as a result of incorrect wording of the task by the customer, but also as an antagonism between artificial intelligence and real human consciousness. Conclusion. Neurohistoricism opposes history as a process, as an essential element of human self-consciousness.
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