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Lygareva N. B. On the Issue of Professional Standards in the Field of Tourism. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 349-?. DOI:
On the Issue of Professional Standards in the Field of Tourism
The problem of the correspondence of professional and educational standards today is extremely urgent. The need of developing the new professional standards is caused by the adoption of the renovated educational standards, which must reflect the requirements of educational establishments, control elements of formation and employers. Article is dedicated to the examination of professional standards in the sphere of tourism based on the example of professional standard “guide (guide)” for the purpose of further development of the methods of evaluating the qualification of specialists in the assignment of tourist services, and also determination of diagnostic indices and results of instruction for the system of vocational education. Is revealed the definition of professional standard as - the characteristic of qualification, necessary for worker for the realization of the specific form of the professional activity, including of the fulfillment of the specific working function. In the work are reflected the quantitative as well as meaningful indices of the relationship of general requirements with the generalized working functions, and also the parameters of the correspondence of working functions with the working actions, the necessary skills, the knowledge and other characteristics. Is expressed opinion about the insufficiently thorough study of professional standard, precisely, from the point of view of its practical application. The need for development and adopting the new professional standards in the sphere of tourism is emphasized.
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