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Bogatov M. A., Kosykhin V. G., Malkina S. M., Nevvazhay I. D. Ontological foundations of technology in the concept of Friedrich Dessauer. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 4, pp. 368-373. DOI:

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Ontological foundations of technology in the concept of Friedrich Dessauer

Introduction. In connection with the growing development of technology in the XX–XXI centuries the role and significance of theoretical reflection on how human dependence on technology transforms our everyday life are increasing. At the same time, two main strategies can be distinguished in relation to the rising influence of technology: critical (pessimistic) and “progressive” (optimistic). If the critical approach is constantly in the field of view of the humanities (starting with Ernst Jünger, Oswald Spengler, Martin Heidegger), then the “progressive” one actually falls out of sight of modern researchers. The article is intended to appeal to the argument of one of the optimists, the concept of Friedrich Dessauer. Theoretical analysis. Friedrich Dessauer proceeds from an ontological model of understanding technology as the constant disclosure of the potential inherent in nature itself. Technology does not oppose nature, but continues and improves it in every possible way. Adhering to religious views, Dessauer says that technology continues the creation by God, and inventors and engineers act as co-creators of the divine plan. At the same time, the author sets out a rather abstract and mainly Kant-oriented idea of the structure of being and the place of a man in this being. Conclusion. Despite the fact that over the past 70 years, since the publication of Dessauer’s work, the face of the planet has changed significantly due to technical inventions, the argumentation of thinkers advocating both for and against the spread of technology has not actually changed: already in the 21st century we again and again encounter arguments proposed by Dessauer in 1958.

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