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Doroshin I. A. Perspective Study Fundamentalism in Social Philosophy and Species Group Features. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 16-21. DOI:
Perspective Study Fundamentalism in Social Philosophy and Species Group Features
The article is devoted to the specifics of the study of fundamentalism in social philosophy. Particular attention is given to the demarcation of religious communities in social philosophy with respect to this problem of definition of fundamentalism. To describe the dynamics of change - extremely ductile phenomenon – religious fundamentalism – requires selection of species traits groups. Comparative analysis leads us to the effect of «new religions» or «religion of the New Age». Fundamentalist groups have similarities to the «Religion» New Age. It does not really matter: whether they are designed as a real or virtual project, whether they are artificial or socio-natural origin. One of the most interesting forms of fundamentalism is Islamism (not Islam), the study of which is complicated by the fact that the social image of Islam is sufficiently demonized extremists. Islamism is part of the apocalyptic scenarios. Thus, Islamism is one of ideologies and functionally comparable to similar systems. Another important point in the study is the inability to comprehend the present Muslim modernity from the standpoint of Western mental history. Approval of the secular Muslim identity as one of many Muslim identities, not been studied in most works on Islam.
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