Cite this article as:

Bogomolova M. I. Problem of a Family and Family Education in the Russian Historical and Pedagogical Heritage. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 101-?.

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Problem of a Family and Family Education in the Russian Historical and Pedagogical Heritage

In article problems of a family and family education to which addressed
in the works as outstanding teachers – K. D. Ushinskiy, P. F. Lesgaft,
P. F. Kapterev, and public figures – N. V. Shelgunov, L. N. Tolstoy,
N. I. Pirogov are considered. Family upbringing is of great importance
in historical development of society as a family, being the first and
most significant conductor of social influence for the child, enters it
into all variety of the related relations, a family life, causing these or
those feelings, actions, ways of behavior, having impact on formation
of habits, traits of character, mental properties. Many valuable finds
of great teachers of the past are unfairly forgotten. The address to
them and their objective assessment from a position of the present
will enrich with useful tips the theory and practice of upbringing and
education of children now.


1. Ushinskiy K. D. Rodnoye slovo (Native word). Ped.
soch.: v 6 t. (Pedagogical works: in 6 vol.). Moscow,
1989, vol. 4. 528p.
2. Lesgaft P. F. Semeynoye vospitaniye rebenka i yego
znacheniye (Family education of the child and his value).
Moscow, 1991. 175 p.
3. Ushinskiy K. D. O narodnosti v obshchestvennom vospitanii
(About a nationality in public education). Ped. soch.:
v 6 t. (Pedagogical works: in 6 vol.). Moscow, 1988,
vol. 1, pp. 194‒257.
4. Shelgunov N. V. Pisma o vospitanii (Letters on education).
Izbr. ped. soch. (Chosen pedagogical works).
Moscow, 1954, 404 p.
5. Kapterev P. F. Ob obshchestvenno-nravstvennom razvitii
i vospitanii detey (About public and moral development
and education of children). Moscow., 1982. 703 p.

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