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Komarov V. V. Psychoanalytic ideas of leadership and modern ideas about its nature. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 2, pp. 198-202. DOI:

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Psychoanalytic ideas of leadership and modern ideas about its nature

Introduction. The article discusses the main psychoanalytic ideas of leadership, starting with the analysis of the fundamental work of Z. Freud’s “Mass psychology and self-analysis”, ending with an overview of modern leadership concepts using or based on the provisions of psychoanalysis. Theoretical analysis. The pa per analyzes the psychodynamic processes in the dyads “leader – crowd” and “leader – followers”, identifies the key concepts of leadership used in psychoanalysis. The problems of leadership determination and key characteristics of leaders are considered taking into account current ideas about the nature of leadership. Conclusion. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that representatives of psychoanalytic theories have made a significant contribution to the development of concepts considering the origin and characteristics of leadership. The ideas of psychoanalysis allow us to complement modern approaches to leadership studies.

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