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Noss I. N., Kabanova T. N. Psychological characteristics of employees who implement audit and controlling functions of direct management of the organization. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 68-73. DOI:
Psychological characteristics of employees who implement audit and controlling functions of direct management of the organization
Тhe role of control structures in the economic activity of both the state and private enterprises is increasing. The personnel of control, audit and controlling structures perform specific tasks and are an effective tool for managing the personnel system. Therefore, special personal and professional requirements are imposed on them. Specialists must have certain professional knowledge, specific cognitive characteristics and communication qualities. The study of the psychological characteristics of this economic category, its role at the present stage of the evolutionary development of management seems to be significant and important for the development of Russian enterprises. The study of personnel was organized in accordance with the program for studying the intellectual, behavioral, characterological and motivational aspects of the activities of employees of various age cohorts. The article investigates the behavioral and characterological characteristics of employees in difficult situations, reveals the dependence of the level of development of cognitive characteristics and dynamics of characterological traits on the age of employees. The analysis of the effectiveness of employees with personal accentuations is carried out, the most effective ways of motivating and stimulating the personnel of control and audit departments are revealed. A variant of the study of the personal and professional skills of employees implementing audit and controlling functions is proposed. Further work to create a system for assessing the psychological characteristics of the personnel of audit and controlling structures will contribute to the development and effective functioning of the entire enterprise.
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