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Yuzhaninova A. L. Saratov industrial and organizational psychology in the 1920–1930. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 4, pp. 452-457. DOI:
Saratov industrial and organizational psychology in the 1920–1930
Introduction. The first study of the history of Saratov organizational psychology was carried out by L. N. Aksenovskaya, who traced the development of the industrial and organizational direction at Saratov State University from 1971 to the present. The purpose of our research was to analyze the process of formation of organizational and psychological science in Saratov in the 1920s–1930s. Such historical and psychological methods as the analysis of information presented in scientific and reference publications, historical reconstruction, interpretation of factual material were used. Theoretical analysis. A study was conducted on the development of Saratov organizational psychology in the 1920s–1930s as an integral part of two directions – scientific organization of labor and psychotechnics. Conclusion. It is established that organizational psychology in Saratov developed in accordance with the general trends of the scientific process for the whole country. For research and practical work, divisions were created at provincial administrative institutions, regional branches of All-Russian scientific communities, experimental laboratories. The article presents the activities of three Saratov laboratories organized by engineers at the Saratov Institute of National Economy, doctors at the Provincial Department of Public Education, psychologists at the Department of Philosophy and Psychology of Saratov University (the heads respectively N. M. Dyakonov, I. L. Stychinsky, A. A. Krogius).
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