history of psychology

Saratov industrial and organizational psychology in the 1920–1930

Introduction. The first study of the history of Saratov organizational psychology was carried out by L. N. Aksenovskaya, who traced the development of the industrial and organizational direction at Saratov State University from 1971 to the present. The purpose of our research was to analyze the process of formation of organizational and psychological science in Saratov in the 1920s–1930s.

The founder of the Saratov University psychological school S. L. Frank (on the occasion of 145th anniversary of the scientist)

The article is devoted to the 145th anniversary of the outstanding philosopher of the 20th century S. L. Frank (28.01.1877–10.12.1950), who preserving the pre–revolutionary traditions of teaching psychology as part of philosophy at the historical and philological faculties of Russian universities, in 1918 for the fi rst time in Saratov began teaching psychology at Saratov University, thus becoming the founder of the regional psychological school. An apologist for philosophical (idealistic) psychology, Frank invited Professor A. A.