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Nikitenko P. D. Social Representations of Young People about the World in Various Conditions of Socialization. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 67-71. DOI:

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Social Representations of Young People about the World in Various Conditions of Socialization

In the article the specifics of the system-diachronic approach to the analysis of the different conditions of socialization of the personality are discussed. It contains the research of social representations of young people about the world in various conditions of socialization. The prospects of studying of social ideas about the world in dependence on the conditions of socialization of the personality are shown. The nuclear components of the influence of the ideas of young people about the world areallocated and described. The significant differences of the ideas independence on the favorable/unfavorable conditions of socialization of young people are revealed. Such differences, apparently, become possible in compliance with the following factors: 1) the contradiction between the attitudes, stereotypes and real life; 2) loss of life perspective. The obtained data allow assuming that the main component of the designing of negative social ideas about the world is the offense of young people on the conditions of surrounding social reality. The applied aspect of the studied problem can be realized in the advisory practice of the psychological services.

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