Cite this article as:

Рягузова Е. В. Sociocultural Standard Interpersonal Relationship. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2011, vol. 11, iss. 4, pp. 80-84. DOI:

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Sociocultural Standard Interpersonal Relationship

The paper reports outcomes of a theoretical reflection of Russian
proverbs and sayings about friendship and friendly relations. The paper
alleges that by means of them sociocultural codes and meanings are
transmitted. It is shown that proverbs, representing aphoristically
short speech, imagery and manifest emotional content, and reflect
national-specific context the term «friend», which is determined by
cultural and socio-psychological factors, which provide different
ways of categorizing. It is substantiated that the sociocultural codes
interpersonal relations are available decoding in a particular age at a
certain level of personal maturity.


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