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Smoligovets O. S. Subject Bases of Virtualization of Social Reality in the Information Society. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 166-170. DOI:
Subject Bases of Virtualization of Social Reality in the Information Society
The article is devoted to the consideration of the determining role of virtual reality in contemporary society. The author is positive about virtual processes that can become a tool for the development of a social system. The trend of virtualization of classical social institutions is being asserted. The author examines the history of the concept of “virtual reality”: from medieval approaches to Russian virtual studies. Virtual reality is recognized as a multi-layered formation, whose interpretation is not limited only to digital virtual reality. At the same time, digital virtual reality is the most developed form of virtuality, which acts as a unified channel for broadcasting diverse virtual phenomena. The activity of a social subject is the basis of virtual reality. The author identifies three functions of the subject in his connection with virtual reality: the medium of the virtual as a special social mode, a way to identify the reality of the virtual and management of social reality through virtual social institutions. As a result, the author not only fixes the instrumental nature of the virtual, but includes virtuality in the being of the social system as a structural element of the subject’s space: the functioning of a social system, understood as a self-regulating subject, manifests itself in the active role of virtual reality.
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