
The dialectics of platformization

Introduction. In the presented article the analysis of the phenomenon of platformization with the use of the dialectical method was carried out. Theoretical analysis.The premise of platformization is the identity of the idea and the business model, as well as value and cost. The starting point for the movement of the idea of platformization is the request (of the subject to the platform and back), inseparably connected with its opposite – the access.

Rational-Psychological Justification for an Empirical Criterion of «Self» Identity in Transcendental Philosophy by I. Kant

This publication considers I. Kant’s views on self-consciousness, logical «self», and virtual «self», which have rendered their impact on contemporary comprehension of «self» identity in social psychology.

Strategy of Behaviour in the Conflict at a Various Valuable Intrapersonal Conflictness

In the article results of empirical research of strategy of behaviour in the conflict are resulted at a various valuable internal conflictness. The basic laws of mutual connection of an interpersonal and internal conflictness of the person are defined. The problem of determination of an internal and external conflictness is discussed.

The Moral Bases of Subject Inter-civilization Dialogue between Russia and China

The article is devoted to a problem of a subject of inter-civilization dialogue between Russia and China. The author proves a methodological and theoretical legitimacy of civilizational approach to solution of the problem of determination of moral grounds of this subject. Based on the indentified methodological positions, he carries out a comparative analysis of value of the spiritual-moral priorities of cultural traditions of Russia and China. It is based on the idea of «person – а moral force», V. S. Solovyov and the ideal of «the noble husband» Confucius.

Subjective Well-being of Personality as a Subject of Socialexistence

The subjective well-being of the personality as a subject of the social being is discussed. The various existential space of personality and co-existence as a field criteria and normative basis of well-being are reviewed. The value-semantic basis, experience as a source of feelings of well-being are analyzed. It is noted that the ratio of personality characteristics and subject determine the qualitative content of the subjective well-being. An important role in shaping the personality’s subjective well-being is the procedural aspect of existence.

Birth and Death of the Subject in A. Kozhev's Philosophy

The article explores how Kozhev repeatedly strengthens the role of the anthropological factor in being, preserving the basis of Hegel’s philosophical approach and at the same time attributing this intention to Hegel himself. Since Kozhev defines a person as an entity taken in isolation, but understood as a component element of the reality, humanity becomes the only one responsible for the dialectical, i.e. historical dimension in being. On the contrary, Hegel attributes the logic of historicity and dialectical development to all identity, including nature, as a whole.

Change in Subjectivity of the Teacher through the Lens of Research of the Best Practices for the Implementation of Multilevel Additional General Education Programs

The article considers the subjectivity of the teacher as a complex structure that develops in the process of working out and implementing a multi-level additional general educational program. A description of the study of the best practices for the implementation of multilevel additional general education programs in the Saratov region is proposed: the methodology for studying the best practices, assessment criteria, and research results.

Human Existence as Writing

The article’s aim is to investigate human existence through the notion of writing, using philosophical concepts of J. Derrida and J.-L. Nancy. Any of our actions or thoughts can be interpreted as acts of writing, located on the surface of touching, in the area, where oneself is opening to the Other. Our existence doesn’t “have sense”, but it itself becomes the sense, being written out. The paper also raises the issue of the idea of self. Being local and for that reason always different effect of writing, ego hereby is fragmentary, irreducible to any unity, devoid of self-identity.

Subject Bases of Virtualization of Social Reality in the Information Society

The article is devoted to the consideration of the determining role of virtual reality in contemporary society. The author is positive about virtual processes that can become a tool for the development of a social system. The trend of virtualization of classical social institutions is being asserted. The author examines the history of the concept of “virtual reality”: from medieval approaches to Russian virtual studies. Virtual reality is recognized as a multi-layered formation, whose interpretation is not limited only to digital virtual reality.

The Problem of Empiric Ssubject and Types of Rationality

The article is devoted to the analysis of the types of rationality in the modern philosophy. During the description of every type of rationality the special idealization of subject recognizing is introduced. As far as the subject is the reason of any activity, the model of evolution of the rationality is studied in the relation to the cognitive activity of an empiric subject.
