Cite this article as:

Орлова М. М. The Choice of Psychical Adaptation Strategy and its Consequences for Personality. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2007, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 38-?.

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The Choice of Psychical Adaptation Strategy and its Consequences for Personality

In an article takes up the phenomenon of coping as a choice of definite adaptation strategy. The authors set up hypothesis that choice of psychical adaptation strategy by active or passive type determines a choice of psychical defenses mechanisms, personalitys value orientation, locus control and determines orientation of personality. Its draw a conclusion that the active coping structured by value orientation of self-actualization. Self-esteem and independence of values run out as resources. Passive coping or trained helplessness structured by mechanisms of internal self-contradictoriness and alexithymia. As resource of trained helplessness can be regard reactive formation, self-accusation and projection. Revealed mechanisms influence on structure of personality and determine possibility of psychosomatic disease forming.


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