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Matsyna A. I. The Culture of Overcoming in Religious Esoteric Thanatology. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 399-403. DOI:
The Culture of Overcoming in Religious Esoteric Thanatology
The article is dedicated to the study of the phenomenon of overcoming as the transcendence of human existence and the shaping of the culture of overcoming. The shaping of the culture of overcoming is defined as integrated content development of mankind’s total experience in transcending and spiritualizing the reality. The author develops his own concept of metaphysics of overcoming that models an individual’s spiritual space dynamism and is used throughout history for the cultural removal of the life and death dichotomy. The esoteric culture of overcoming is reconstructed and revealed on the foundation of a source base that includes initiatory, necrological sources and philosophical-thanatological concepts. The distinctive features of the esoteric culture of overcoming are the return ontology, the complex of reincarnation notions, the special ontological status of corporeality and soul, the dominance of analog perception, the line of absolute “something”, the perception of man as a direct manifestation of the absolute principle. The religious esoteric culture of overcoming correlates with the mystical way of the world perception and the archaic traditions of warriors. The religious esoteric culture of overcoming creates a unique spiritual space that is largely determined by the idea of mysterial overcoming of the life and death dichotomy and endowing the individual with the metaphysical completeness of existence.
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