Religious-mystical experience and the psychoanalytic tradition

Introduction. The purpose of the article is to consider the specifics of the approach to religious and mystical experience in the psychoanalytic tradition from the point of view of revealing the degree of its interdisciplinarity. Theoretical analysis.

The Culture of Overcoming in Religious Esoteric Thanatology

The article is dedicated to the study of the phenomenon of overcoming as the transcendence of human existence and the shaping of the culture of overcoming. The shaping of the culture of overcoming is defined as integrated content development of mankind’s total experience in transcending and spiritualizing the reality. The author develops his own concept of metaphysics of overcoming that models an individual’s spiritual space dynamism and is used throughout history for the cultural removal of the life and death dichotomy.

Transformation and «Rasvoploshenie» as Ontologic Intuitions of Russian and Western Thought

Article argues that difference between ontological intuitions of Russian and western philosophy goes back to distinction between such forms of sacral experience as sanctitu and mysticism. The mysticism is connected with experience of «rasvoploshenie», sanctitu – with transformation of experience. The fundamental project of Russian religions philosophy is linked with attempt of philosophical judgment of experience of transformation.