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Листвина Е. В. The Ideological Aspects of the Everyday Life of Society. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 1, pp. 52-?. DOI:
The Ideological Aspects of the Everyday Life of Society
The article is devoted to the notion of ideology and its role in the everyday life practices of everyday life. It was determined that the theoretical basis of ideology was the idea of sample, the formation of which has a The mental, national and spiritual traditions have the significant impact for the formation of its theoretical basis. The main factor contributing to the development of ideological offers includes daily existence, in which the testing takes place ideological and development of the main aspects of the ideology such as the ideas, norms and values. The analysis of the development of ideas was conducted and it was concluded that the idea as the everyday existence lie in the beginning of any project aimed the transforming of the human being regardless of the historical era. The ideological transformation leads to the change in the ontological norms, to the transformation of everyday human life and its axiological priorities. It was established that ideological determined value system defines the trends followed by the individuals in their everyday life. The ideas formed out of the a system of values can not give a complete idea about the ideology. It is proposed to be considered the every day life as an independent axiological being as the recognition of the value accumulated during everyday life knowledge and understanding of the significance of the everyday world for a person lead to recognize this phenomenon in a new way.
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1. Иванова А. С. Начала «идеологии» : Антуан Дестют
де Траси и его наука об идеях // Вопр. философии.
2013. № 8. С. 146‒148.
2. Платон. Парменид // Платон. Диалоги. Кн. первая.
М., 2008. С. 1021‒1100.
3. Идеология : поиски и находки / науч. ред. И. И. Каль-
ной. М., 2015. С. 24‒25.
4. Мангейм К. Идеология и утопия // Утопия и утопиче-
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7. Лебина Н. Советская повседневность : нормы и ано-
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8. Кант И. Критика способности суждения. М., 1994. 365 с.
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М., 2006. 384 с. URL:
posobie.html (дата обращения: 21.09.2016).
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