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Одинцов А. В. The Media in the Network Society: Outlines of a New Ruling Elite. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. 167-?. DOI:

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The Media in the Network Society: Outlines of a New Ruling Elite

The article is devoted to the development of media technologies and their media and their role in the creation, the functioning of modern society and the implementation of process management. The processes of communication, have taken on social significance, along with the information, allow to speak about modern society not as information, but as a network, meaning that this concept is wider. According to the author, the role of media is so great that it has a significant impact not only on community processes, but also on the processes of social control, as a consequence – the formation of the ruling elite. Modern media acts as a repository of factual information, promotes the formation of collective memory, and provides ways of information distribution, mechanisms of formation of image, attitudes, public opinion, and social myths. Accordingly, the public perception of modernity is through the prism of mediapresence, therefore, the state system for self-preservation is committed to the management of media space, providing for a state monopoly. The media not only changes the characteristics of the representatives of the ruling elite and their model behavior, but also sets new conditions for recruitment of the composition of the elite. The ruling elite is being formed now, including persons with the ability to control the media and the skills in it. The elite itself becomes media, branding, information open and accessible.


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