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Anikin D. A. The Phenomenon of Forgetting and the Dialogue of Cultures in the Globalizing Society: the Russian Experience. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 3-8. DOI:

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The Phenomenon of Forgetting and the Dialogue of Cultures in the Globalizing Society: the Russian Experience

The article is devoted to phenomenon of forgetting as an integral element of dialogue of cultures in the being globalized world. It is possible to allocate not only ways of preservation of historical memory, but also types of forgetting in a context of sharp social transformations of society. A specific of historical amnesia in the conditions of modern Russian society consists in an attempt to correlate phenomena of live, communicative memory to essentially other political symbolics. Special relevance is gained by the appeal to the Soviet experience, and symbols of the Soviet era are exposed to code conversion taking into account new social and political phenomena.

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