Cite this article as:

Дронов А. В. The Problem of Non-Being in the Light of Criticism of the Metaphysics of Presence . Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2009, vol. 9, iss. 1, pp. 20-?.

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The Problem of Non-Being in the Light of Criticism of the Metaphysics of Presence

In this paper the problem of non-being in the light of poststructuralist critics of the figure of presence is investigated. The major assumption of consideration of this problem becomes recognition of strong correlation between being and thinking, and also between thinking and representation in frames of the western metaphysics. In this context the tradition of ontological disqualification (refusal in existence) one or another objectness on the basis of it irrelevance to thinking and representation acts reaches from Parmenides up to Heidegger and imparts to the problematic of non-being dimension of analytics of acts not-reality.



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