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Anikin D. A. Topology of Social Space: from Geography to Social Philosophy. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 1, pp. 5-9. DOI:
Topology of Social Space: from Geography to Social Philosophy
The purpose of article is consideration of methodological transformation of the concept «social space» of a context of social and philosophical thought of the XX century. Withdrawal from an initial identification of physical space and social space is considered, drafts of the spatial analysis of the society, developed by P. Bourdieu and B. Verlen are analyzed. P. Bourdieu considers social space as set of the positions taken by certain individuals, and correlation of these positions is defined not only the objective public relations, but also mental designs of individuals. B. Verlen, being guided by M. Weber, chooses as an initial element of social space not the individual, and single social action. Analyzed concepts became an important step on a way to possibility of display in spatial coordinates of difficult and multilevel structure of modern society.
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