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Orekhova Y. M. Use of interactive teaching technology at different stages of a university foreign language class. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 2, pp. 217-221. DOI:
Use of interactive teaching technology at different stages of a university foreign language class
The importance of communicative learning of foreign languages in higher education has increased due to economic, political and cultural processes taking place in the world nowadays. The problem of finding effective means of ensuring the communicative nature of the educational process seems to be highly relevant at the present stage of teaching methodology development. The use of interactive methods can help teachers to implement the requirements of the Standard in the organization of the educational process of teaching foreign languages at university. The article is devoted to the analysis of the use of interactive methods at foreign language classes which can help teachers to implement the requirements of the new Federal Educational Standard of higher education. The necessity of interactive trainings for development of foreign language competence in the context of competence-based approach is described. The main changes of the educational process which have required a review of means and methods of foreign language teaching are also identified. The comparative analysis of traditional and interactive-based lessons proves that interaction allows to solve educational problems of a foreign language lesson and to redefine the roles of all participants of the educational process. The examples of the use of interactive teaching methods in accordance with the didactic structure of a foreign language lesson are given.
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