
Career Preferences and Professional and Psychological Types of Students of Higher Education Institutions

The article gives the data of the empirical study of career preferences and vocational and psychological types of students as a part of the solution of the issue of planning of professional career of university graduates. It was assumed that based on the expression of vocational and psychological types and career preferences, it is possible to describe the current and potential directions of career development.

Intercommunication of the Value Orientations and the Career Preferences of the Cities and Countries Pupils

The article contains the results of empirical research in revealing of inter-functional communications between the value orientations and the career preferences; explores the structures of the value orientations of the seniors, leaving in the cities and countries districts; points out the general and the particular system forming values; examines the peculiarities of the career orientations in such excerpts.

The Correlation of Career Orientations of Managers with Professional Activity and Overall Life Satisfaction

In the article author analyses the career orientations and factors of professional activity and the overall life satisfaction of managers in The Republic Bashkortostan with the use of a questionnaire of career orientation «Anchor career» E. Shane in the translation and adaptation V. A. Chicer, V. E. Vinokurova and multi-factor questionnaire of behavior and experience, work-related called AVEM authors W. Schaarschmidt and A. Fischer in the adaptation of T. Ronginskaya.