
Recent theories of secularization and perspectives of secular-religious dialogue

Introduction. The article examines the current philosophical debates about the relationship between secular and religious worldviews. The article outlines recent forms of postsecularization as the continued existence of religious communities in a continually secularizing environment, identifying its main dimensions: the deinstitutionalization of the religious lifestyle, the individualization of faith, and the development of new social forms in the religious fi eld. Theoretical analysis.

Philosophical Process in Russia and China аt the Turn of XXI Century

The article discusses the problem of the worldview foundations of intercultural dialogue between Russia and China at the turn of XXI century. The author analyzes the dynamic of development of philosophical processes in Russia and China at the beginning of XXI century. The article is focused at the omnidirectional vectors of various trends that appear in the continuum of philosophical cultures of these countries.

Intercultural Discursive Strategy: Socio-Philosophical Analysis of Interaction between Russia and China

One of the major challenges of our time is to create a new conceptual framework for implementation, interpretation and prediction of interaction between Russia and China in the area of contemporary intercultural discourse. The choice of strategies of intercultural interaction of Russian and Chinese culture bearers is objectively defined by culture coordinate system in the range of the implementation of management strategies. Examining Russian and Chinese interaction experience creates science base necessary for analyzing and forecasting the processes of successful international dialogue.

The Moral Bases of Subject Inter-civilization Dialogue between Russia and China

The article is devoted to a problem of a subject of inter-civilization dialogue between Russia and China. The author proves a methodological and theoretical legitimacy of civilizational approach to solution of the problem of determination of moral grounds of this subject. Based on the indentified methodological positions, he carries out a comparative analysis of value of the spiritual-moral priorities of cultural traditions of Russia and China. It is based on the idea of «person – а moral force», V. S. Solovyov and the ideal of «the noble husband» Confucius.

The Dialogic Structure of Artistic Reflection

This article is devoted to analysis of dialogic dimensions of art as an essential phenomenon in artistic experience of contemporary man. The concept of «dialogue» is analyzed to be the fundamental principle of the relation of a person with art. The concept of «artistic reflection» is considered as a key to problem of the dialogic interpretation of artistic work. Phenomenon of artistic dialogue is interpreting here as a unity of individual and common in artistic experience. The author also promises the conception of essential levels of this dialogue as a factor of personal development.

Confucius and the «Global Ethics» Draft

The article investigates the relationship between the philosophy of Confucius and «global ethics». It is emphasized that the fundamental Confucian principles coincide with the important moral and ethical installations of «world ethos». 

The Conceptual Bases of the Communication Conflict

In article we present the specifics of the communication conflict and virtual person in the modern global space. In this context, concluded that it is necessary social-philosophical understanding of this phenomenon, especially since the problem of communication is connected with the disclosure of the identity of the person, their valuable installations. 

Socio-Spiritual Aspect of the Communicative Practices of the Modern Society

The article analyzes the social communication functioning. The author accentuates the peculiarities of communicative activity and spiritual culture interrelation, and its manifestation in the modern communicative practices.

Cross-cultural Dialogue in the Global World: Philosophical-Comparative Analysis

This article represents a specific cross-cultural dialogue in a space of modern global world. We have formulated the conclusion that the dialogue of cultures nowadays is a condition of mankind’s selfpreservation.

It is Possible, and Can you Teach Creativity?

The paper discusses the negative effects of modern technological civilization with the installation of the mastery of nature, its transformation into commodities, which leads to uncontrolled changes as the environment, infrastructure and human activities that adversely affect human life and conditions of existence. It retains the priority technological engineering solutions that are based on the traditional system of education.