digital anthropology

M. McLuhan: Between medium and mediatization

Introduction. The article is devoted to the key ideas of the media theorist M. McLuhan. The Canadian culturologist and philologist conceptualized the advent of the era of a new, “electronic”, person and new electronic media. Theoretical analysis. M. McLuhan’s works, in a certain sense, shaped the direction and style of studying media in a social context, “The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man” (1951), “The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man” (1962), “Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man” (1964).

From the subject to the agent in social and humanitarian discourses of the 21st century

Introduction. The article is focused on the problem of tuning research optics in the directions of vision and understanding a subject, society and the whole world. Since the Age of Enlightenment, the idea of subjectivity has been the foundation for such optics. In the 21st century the place of the subject is claimed by multiple agents that do not have a human nature. Theoretical analysis. In addition to nature as such and the organisms inhabiting it, the role of agents today is being played by instruments and technologies, including digital technologies.

Digital Society and Digital Anthropology: Transdisciplinary Foundations of Social and Epistemological Research

The article deals with the methodological problems of exploring digital social reality. In modern society, digital technologies mediate the whole complex of social relations, linking the state, organizations, and individuals in a complex technical object. The new technological order integrating convergent technologies radically transforms the landscape of human corporeality, everyday life and creativity.