drug abuse

The Link between Time Perspective, Personality Traits and Self-Injurious Behaviour of Opiate-Dependent Patients

The article covers the results of the study on time perspective, personality traits and self-injurious behaviour of drug-addicted patients. Statistically high rates of depression, irritability and reactive aggression are distinguished; time perspective is characterized by hedonistic and fatalistic fixation on the present, negativistic evaluation of the past and uncertainty of the future; there is a high rate of self-injurious acts in the sample.

Subjective Judgments of the Young Addicts and the Social and Psychological Reasons of Their Involvement in Drug Abuse (on Material of the Research of Nigerian Youth)

The article is devoted to studying the contents of the subjective judgments of young Nigerian drug addicts on the social and psychological reasons of their involvement in drug abuse. The author generalizes the main theoretical approaches to this problem. Research objective: to study the main social and psychological judgments determining involvement of the Nigerian youth in drug abuse.