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Polskaya N. A. The Link between Time Perspective, Personality Traits and Self-Injurious Behaviour of Opiate-Dependent Patients. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 3, pp. 87-91. DOI:

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The Link between Time Perspective, Personality Traits and Self-Injurious Behaviour of Opiate-Dependent Patients

The article covers the results of the study on time perspective, personality traits and self-injurious behaviour of drug-addicted patients. Statistically high rates of depression, irritability and reactive aggression are distinguished; time perspective is characterized by hedonistic and fatalistic fixation on the present, negativistic evaluation of the past and uncertainty of the future; there is a high rate of self-injurious acts in the sample.

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