
Social Memory as Modernization Resource: Top Wasps of the Past in the Russian Political Landscape

Article is devoted to the question of use of social memory as the main resource of the modernization processes proceeding in modern Russia. The author analyzes actual strategy of the appeal to the past, coming to a conclusion that the Russian modernization is characterized by the special political and sociocultural goals, is cardinal not similar to reference points of «catching-up modernization».

Strategy of a Policy of Memory on Postimperial Space

Article is devoted transformation of social memory in the conditions of the post-Soviet territory. Specificity of the post-Soviet territory is designing of alternative types of the social memory meaningly opposed to the Soviet past. On the basis of the spatial analysis of social memory presented in works by P. Nora, and P. Burde’s structuralist methodology the author considers change of a symbolical configuration of the post-Soviet territory in which peripheral types of social memory take a dominating place.

Review of the Book: Papayani F. A. The Imperial Future of Russia / Confrontation of Ideological Projects of the 19th – 21st Centuries

Russian space of 19th – 21st centuries turned into a tough field of opposition of ideological projects. Each project claims the status of a basic factor in shaping the outlook of the people who influence the present and future of Russia. The key idea of the monograph is ideology as the moral and ethical canon of human behavior and the power and political regulation of society.