Ethnic identity

Features of Ethnic Tolerance of Residents of Frontier Areas of Russia and Kazakhstan

This article presents results of the study of interethnic relations in two border areas: polyethnic area of Russia and monoethnic area of Kazakhstan. The social psychological factors and peculiarities of personality examined and correlated with the manifestation of ethnic tolerance / intolerance.

Social Identity and Commitment to One’s Country: Conceptual and Empirical Basic for Analysis of Correlation Between Constructs

The research into commitment of a person to large stable groups and territorial communities is becoming extremely topical due to greater mobility and migration processes in the modern world. The correlation of constructs of commitment to one’s country and social identity has not been studied yet, which determined the goal of the given research.

Ethnic Identity and Social-psychological Adaptation

Basic results of our research of ethnic identity as a major indicator of social-psychological adaptation with some Caucasians by birth (Azerbaijanians, Armenians, Chechens) having large diaspores in the Saratov region and the indigenous Russian population of the Saratov region as an example are presented. A comparative analysis of such indicators of ethnic identity as the positivity/negativity of auto- and heterostereotypes, feelings experienced to their own ethnic group, and aims at interethnic interactions is given.

Ethnic Identity and Social Well-being of the Person in the Conditions of Transformation of Socio-cultural Environment

The article presents the results of the pilot study types of ethnic identity, and indicators of social well-being of residents of South-East of Ukraine (Lugansk). We investigated the relationship between the value-semantic sphere of the person and the type of ethnic identity, analyzed the respondents’ ideas about their situation. The results indicate that in the transformation of social and cultural environment there is a crisis of values a  nd the semantic sphere of the person, reduced the level of social well-being.