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. . Social Identity and Commitment to One’s Country: Conceptual and Empirical Basic for Analysis of Correlation Between Constructs. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 326-?. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18500/1819-7671-2018-18-3-326-332

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Social Identity and Commitment to One’s Country: Conceptual and Empirical Basic for Analysis of Correlation Between Constructs

The research into commitment of a person to large stable groups and territorial communities is becoming extremely topical due to greater mobility and migration processes in the modern world. The correlation of constructs of commitment to one’s country and social identity has not been studied yet, which determined the goal of the given research. The author has checked the hypothesis proposing that commitment to one’s country and actualized social identity, in particular such types as civil and ethnic identity, are independent constructs that do not correlate and can interact in various ways and take the shape of various interrelations. The empirical research involved 241 citizens of the Russian Federation (73 male participants, 168 female participants; mean age=22,5). The author points out that the factors of commitment to one’s country are not connected with actual civic and ethnic identity, and positively correlate with satisfaction with one’s social affiliation and a desire to secure it in the future. The author concludes that social identity and commitment to one’s country are independent constructs that can form various relations and describe various aspects of phenomenology of individual experience of the present and the future of the system of one’s social connections with the outside world.


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