
The Existence of Freedom by N. A. Berdyaev and L. I. Shestov: Comparative Analysis

The article deals with the problem of the religious nature of the existential philosophy of N. A. Berdyaev and L. I. Shestov. A comparative analysis of their concepts in relation to the Christian interpretation of freedom has been carried out. It is shown that the concept of freedom can be expressed not only by its own semantic meaning (semantics), but also be reflected in the intuitive experience of existential cognition. Thus, the substantial freedom in the personal perception of N. Berdyaev and L. Shestov is opposed to the essence of the material-rationalistic understanding.

To the Problem of the Features of Existential Philosophy of N. A. Berdyaev

In the article, the problem of the religious nature of the existential philosophy of N. A. Berdyaev is considered. It is shown that his understanding of his own philosophy as the existence of the spirit affected the way he understood the issue of freedom. For a philosopher, freedom is a state of mind, and therefore, the problem analyzed is not political and not legal, but exclusively religious. While dealing with this task, the philosopher makes an attempt to replace the usual philosophical terminology with a religious-existential one for a more complete reflection of freedom.

Social Philosophy of Hannah Arendt: Political and Ethic Aspects

The paper is devoted to the analysis of political, ethical and existential
grounds of a man’s being in the social philosophy of Hannah Arendt.
Actually her philosophy can be considered the political philosophy and
thus it focuses on historical perception of society in its human dimension
from the Ancient Greeks to modern Europe. The basic concepts of the philosophy of Arendt – «freedom» and «deprivation of freedom». It is
about the origins of total domination, about the need to overcome its