
Empty Place: the Voice of Social Reality

Is it possible to be surprised that cognitive interest in the problem of space, both theoretical and practical, remains stable and even steadily grows along with changes of the ways and character of spatial relations and connections in the society. And is it not natural that this mostly contradictory process depends not only on variability of social and spatial coupling, but also on the point of view of the investigators’ interest. All this opens up new ways of understanding the spatial aspect of social existence in urban conditions.

The Policy of Memory in the Modern Russian Society: The Aspect of Urbanism

The processes of transformation and replacement of many traditional concepts are clearly observed in the frame of modern philosophical science. Social groups are the mediums of cultural memory, since the processes of communication among the members of the groups act as the constant indicators of the relevance of the information circulating in the society. Fixing of this information in written texts helps to form an identifying core.

The City is Considered as Complex Synergetic Self- Organizing System

The city is considered as complex synergetic self-organizing system in which the historical, economic, sociopolitical ecological and other laws coherently operate, causing by the joint action existence of mechanisms of functioning of city in general.

Specialization of City and Village Function in the Social Reproduction

The city provides a human capital reproduction, but the village does the population reproduction. We have applied a system-cybernetic approach to analyze the city-village interaction by means of the homeostatic type model. We present the proposals to optimize the system balance confirming with the reforms in Russian society as a whole.