
Formation of Personal Identity: Parameters of Religious Orientations

The person cannot be understood if to not consider the highest aspirations. But religiousness does not exist in the independent form, and assumes alloy of an ethnic accessory and religiousness. Confession - can be perceived as a condition of development of the person. The ethnic conflict can pass in the intrapersonal conflict at the pupil. The main condition of dialogue of cultures in educational process is the adequate perception of own identity of each subject of this dialogue that is impossible outside of patriotic installation.

Social "Self" Optimal Distinctiveness Model

Optimal distinctiveness theory manifests «self»-categorization theory development, elaborated for the sake of eliciting reasons due to which individuals strive for identifications with social groups as well as for clarifying social identities roles in attaining and maintaining a steady and fixed «self»-concept.



The research represents a personal identity «self»-aspects factorial structure of American respondents. The research participants were offered AIQ-IIIx Aspects Identity Questionnaire by J.M. Cheek and L.R. Tropp.


The Conflict and the Order in Civilization Structures

The author analyzes the conflicts of civilizations in this article. The Author considers the reasons of these conflicts that are created value.
The value of one civilization disagrees with the value of other civilizations. At the end of article he draws a conclusion. The problem
of civilization’s conflicts has to be studied together with modern global problems and problems of modernizations. 

Explicit Group Identity Factorial Structure in the USA

The research represents a personal identity «self-aspects» factorial structure of American respondents. The basis for a questionnaire offered to respondents is constituted by Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure by J. Phinney. Degree of the defined factors’ influence on ethno-cultural identity has been detected.

Designing of an Image of the Future of Learning Youth as Aspect of their Social Self-Determination

In article results of research of an image of the future of learning youth in aspect of their social self-determination are stated. Results of empirical research of a parity of an image of representations and social identity are submitted to of the person.

The Script Adaptation of Foreign Students in Russia

The article presents the results of theoretical reflection and empirical research of sociocultural adaptation of foreign students, who studing in universities of Saratov. Proposed the construct of “script adaptation”, involving a project of action of the individual, aimed at its adaptation to new sociocultural conditions.

The Problem of Personal Identity: Relativism

The article is devoted to revelation of the essence of the relativistic approach to the problem of personal identity and identification. At the beginning of the work shall be approved by the main provisions of this approach as a methodological basis of philosophical inquiry. The author argues that a relativistic approach is associated with the ideas of philosophers postmodernists.

The Dynamics of Value Orientations of the Creative Elite in a Risk Society

In this article the author makes an attempt to determine the reasons for the loss of civilizational identity, coupled with the loss of the previous values and social certainty. He is trying to figure out the role played by the creative elite in shaping the cultural identification attitudes of society in modern Russia. The article traces the dynamics of formation and development of Russian identity in the transition period. Analyzes the direction and nature of the state of social dynamics. The ways of preserving the national identity and the spiritual and moral foundations.

Globalization and Individualization: Logic of Social and Philosophical Interrelation

Article is devoted to a research of processes of globalization in the context of the structure and specifics of transformation of global society. Against the background of globalization there is a deformation of the existing subjects that often is represented researchers of society as something, destroying social solidarity. The special place in the context of the delivered problem is allocated to a dichotomy research «collective – individual». The author criticizes the dominating theory that because of globalization there is individualization.
