The Value Basis of the Society of Symbolic Consumption

The article is dedicated to consideration of values in a society of symbolic consumption. Changes in all spheres of society forces people to think about the value basis of their own life. The ethics of hoarding is replaced by the ethics of squandering, and it happens because of the spread of symbolic consumption. Symbolic consumption interacts with the moral sphere of social consciousness, creating new value structure. Therefore we must search personal identity in the space of a society.

Youth perceptions and attitudes about artifi cial intelligence

Introduction. The development of information technology (IT) and artifi cial intelligence (AI) are signifi cantly changing the modern world, which raises the question of the impact of these technologies on humankind. Theoretical analysis. Research on human-IT interaction is most often determined in terms of benefi ts for education, threats in terms of harm to health, including psychological health, and the formation of addictive behavior. However, the sphere of attitudes towards AI has been researched insuffi ciently.

The Visual Space of a City: A Semiotic Approach

The article deals with the problem of visuality in the context of space from the point of view of visual semiotics. The choice of the problem determined the methodology, which is based on a semiotic approach. Visual semiotics uses induction as the main tool: analyzing individual elements of space, i.e. signs, it moves to the generalization of the results at the level of semiotics as a whole.

The Problem of Image in the Visual Research

The article is devoted to the problem of imagery in visual studies. The heterogeneous nature of visual studies, due to their interdisciplinary focus, suggests that there is no clarity, both in the development of general methodology and a conceptual framework. The purpose of the article is to specify the concept of “image”, to identify its structural components, and ways of functioning in the space of interactions.

Research of Stereotypes on Teacher’s Image

Today the investigation of social personal image has a big practical and theoretical importance, caused by the transformations in our social life. The problems of tools and peculiarities of imagology in the field of pedagogy are not investigated sufficiently and are actual today. It requires the systematization of different approaches in this field.

The Image of War: the Problem of Content and Formation

War as a complex social phenomenon can be analyzed from different perspectives: it appears as a socio-political phenomenon, as a civilizational, as an existential one. Importantly on war-man, so war is perceived not only on level facts, but and in the form of way of, which represents complex views about it, including and assessment of events, and assessment of enemy, and own image. In the structure of the image of the war, the author highlights the foretypes, synchro and prototyping.