
The Moral Bases of Subject Inter-civilization Dialogue between Russia and China

The article is devoted to a problem of a subject of inter-civilization dialogue between Russia and China. The author proves a methodological and theoretical legitimacy of civilizational approach to solution of the problem of determination of moral grounds of this subject. Based on the indentified methodological positions, he carries out a comparative analysis of value of the spiritual-moral priorities of cultural traditions of Russia and China. It is based on the idea of «person – а moral force», V. S. Solovyov and the ideal of «the noble husband» Confucius.

Language in the Communicative Structures of the Information Society

In this article the tendencies and conformities of language development as a complete informative system, taking into consideration the definite regime of it existence as a totality of the elemental informftion composits of a language ( words, notes) are analyzed. Comparing information structures, such as information process, informarmation acyivity and information technology and their correlation through thecommunications we can deduce the definire regimes of their existence.


The Media in the Network Society: Outlines of a New Ruling Elite

The article is devoted to the development of media technologies and their media and their role in the creation, the functioning of modern society and the implementation of process management. The processes of communication, have taken on social significance, along with the information, allow to speak about modern society not as information, but as a network, meaning that this concept is wider.