
Correlation Between Creative Potential and Coping-Strategies of Personality of Higher School Students

The current study considers the problem of creative potential of personality in context of overcoming of difficult stressing situations. The results of analysis of contents of creative possibilities of personality and of basic coping-behavior strategies of students with different professional orientation, are represented. For the majority of students «solving the problem is escape from emotions» model of coping-stressful behavior strategy is characteristic.

Comparative Analysis of the Social Concepts Role in Adapting to the Situation of Severe Disabling Somatic Disease

Perceptions of health and illness are basic to human consciousness, as in health situation and in situation of the disease. Identifying specificity concepts of healthy and sick person in a situation of severe stigmatizing disease is to aid understanding and clarify the mechanism of selecting adaptation strategies. The study found that for patients with tuberculosis express ideas about health related to health as the lost value.


Представлены результаты эмпирического исследования стратегий совладающего поведения, выполненного на выборке современной молодежи (N = 120; 19–30 лет). Применение опросников «Стиль саморегуляции поведения» В. И. Моросановой, «Шкалы копинг-стратегий» Р. Лазаруса, Торонтской шкалы алекситимии TAS, тест-опросника УСК позволило выявить взаимозависимость между стратегиями совладающего поведения и такими характеристиками личности, как уровень  субъективного  контроля  (интернальный/экстернальный), алекситимии, стиля саморегуляции и др.